Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Phone pictures

Thought the blog could use a little updating...it's been a while since I've posted!

Since I rarely take pictures using an actual camera, here are some recent pics from my cell phone:

Ryan and Natalie using Papa's Kindle to play games.  Or, actually, this looks more like Ryan not sharing Papa's Kindle!

Ryan told us he was going to watch Supercross in our room one afternoon.  This is how we found him a few minutes later, sound asleep with the remote as close as it could be to him (and wearing socks with his swim trunks - haha!)!

We got a kitty!  Ryan named him Spooky!  This is Spooky on the ride home to meet Ryan for the first time.

Here is Spooky trying to play Monster Trucks with Ryan!  It is so fun to watch him sneak up on the trucks and pounce on them!  Ryan thinks it is really funny, too!

That's about all I have for today.  Ryan starts swimming lessons and pee wee t-ball in the next few weeks.  I'll be sure to post pictures of that soon! :)

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