Friday, September 30, 2011

Cotton Fields

I don't want to forget this!!

Last night we were driving to meet some friends at the Farmer's Market in Hanford.  On our way, we passed several cotton fields.  Ryan said, "Mom, do you know what that white stuff is?"  Wanting to know what he thought it was, I said, "No."  He said, "It's sunscreen so the plants don't get burned."  HAHA!!  Such an imagination!!  Then he said, "That's what Papa told me."  :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Mickey Mouse Birthday Party

On Sunday we hosted a birthday party for a few of our family and friends to celebrate Ryan's 4th birthday!  If you ask Ryan, it wasn't a "birthday party," it was a "celebration!"  And he still wants to know when we are having a "party!"  HAHA!!

My awesome Office Manager made this adorable cake for Ryan!

I made the cake stand, cupcake stand and the cupcakes. 

Ryan and his friend, Preston!

A few of the kiddos (Natalie, Kinedy, Preston and Ryan).


Family sitting under the tree watching the kids play.

Our family!

Ryan opening his gifts.  He was totally spoiled and got some really nice things!

I'd say Ryan had an amazing 4th birthday party celebration!

Monday, September 19, 2011


Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday Dear Ryan,
Happy Birthday to you!!

Ryan is 4 years old today!  I have no idea where the last 4 years have gone...Ryan keeps us entertained and on our toes all the time.  He's loving playing baseball (in the house) almost daily and playing the drums that go to the PS3 Guitar Hero game.  He's not sleeping in his own bed much these days, but it's all right.  I don't mind!  He's learning how to write his name and besides occasionally mixing up the order of the "Y" and the "A", he's got it down great!  He can recognize the letters of the alphabet out of order, writes a lot of letters on his own now and sings the ABC song almost perfectly (gets a little tongue-tied around "L, M, N, O, P").  Ryan loves to draw and color and tell stories.  He still has his imaginary friends, Guy and Rita, around the house and in the car with us.  When he does something he knows he's not supposed to, he now blames Guy for influencing him to do whatever it is!  Ryan brings us more joy and more laughter than we ever imagined!  Ryan, we love you to the moon and back!! xoxo

We had a little birthday party yesterday at a local park with some friends and family.  I'll post pictures soon.

We leave for Disneyland next week!

Lots going on in our little corner of the world.  I'll have a more detailed post up soon with pictures of Ryan at his birthday party.