Sunday, November 27, 2011 Chruch?

Last night as we were talking about going to church this morning, Jake thought it would be a good time for Ryan to check out Sunday School.  We tried once before but Ryan usually likes to sit with me in service.  This morning as I was getting ready for church, Ryan was so excited to be going to Sunday School today!  He was glad that he's a "big kid" now and wouldn't have to go to nursery with the babies. 

I walked Ryan into the 4-5 year old class, got him signed in, met our friend Miss Kristin there and she tried to help encourage Ryan that he was going to have a really good time.  As we walked through and got the run down on what would be happening, Ryan whispered in my ear that he did not want to stay there.  He was pretty sure that he didn't like it already.  Miss Kristin told him to just try it out today and if he still didn't like it, he wouldn't have to come back again.  Nope.  He wanted nothing to do with it.  I didn't push him.  I decided that if he was ever going to stay, it would need to be his idea.  He went with me to service today.  The only downside to him not going to Sunday School was that I didn't come prepared with coloring books and crayons.  :(  So he was quite wiggly.

Of course we had a laughing out loud moment in church!  After we were settled in our seats, a young man came and sat down in our row.  Ryan was really watching him.  This particular young man was dressed all in black, wore a hooded sweater and had black, fingerless gloves on.  Ryan reached up and whispered in my ear... "Spiderman is at Church today!"  Ahahaha!!!!  Not sure how all black and fingerless gloves relate to Spiderman but it was hilarious!

Happy Sunday!

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